12 Years of Gmail, Part 3: Finishing Touches

Posted on 12 November 2016 in Technology • Tagged with 12 years of gmail, configparser, names, graphing, plotly, python, takeout inspector

This post is part of my series, 12 Years of Gmail, taking a look at the data Google has accumulated on me over the past 12 years of using various Google services and documenting the learning experience developing an open source Python project (Takeout Inspector) to analyze that data.

After spending last week Bootstrapping things and, somewhat related, working my way around Pelican, today I have tried to tie up loose ends so I can start spending more time thinking about what information I can get from all this data. While the package is far from complete, these "finishing touches" ended up being the three themes of this morning's work -

  1. Implementing a settings file
  2. Customising Plotly graphs
  3. Generating random names

Implementing a Settings File

While thinking about how to customize graphs (more on that below) and allow for changes to styles without too much effort, it struck me that there is likely some common ("Pythonic") way to handle settings. And, of course, there is - it's called ConfigParser and it's extremely handy.

To get my feet wet, I created a settings.cfg file with the following contents:

anonymize = False
db_file = data/email …

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